Window Strike Series: Rose Breasted Grosbeak, 9 3/4 x 14", watercolor
So, I began a new series this week, inspired by a bird that a friend found. Window strikes are just what they sound like.....a dear, sweet bird has mistaken the reflection of the sky and trees for, well, sky and trees, and flown into the window. Some birds survive this, some don't. Of course it depends on speed and the angle of their necks at the time of impact.....and if a predator is nearby while the poor bird is regaining consciousness.
I hate for birds to die in vain - I'm a birder and love to bird watch and study behaviors, bird calls and identification techniques. So I've decided to immortalize these little beauties in paintings.
Window Strike Series: Rose Breasted Grosbeak III, 11 1/4 x 11", watercolor
I feel like it is an honor to study them up notice the details of a stilled bird - it's a bit like figure drawing/painting - just a different shaped body than we're used to for such a thing.