Circle of Art is closing the loop this Sunday, May 18, 12 - 5pm - join us!
Circle of Art has been an effort among friends for over 10 years now. This fundraiser for Food Gatherers is in its last year, as we celebrate together the efforts of so many friends who've worked to help alleviate hunger.
We've shaken down our artist friends, our culinary artist friends our collector friends our in-kind donation friends for over 10 years now. Together, we've raised over $160,000 for Food Gatherers. All of the money raised, not netted, but grossed, has gone to Food Gatherers!
We've brought our friends and family members into the Circle of Art team. And, really, they had no choice....well, the friends did, but not the family members. The friends saw how much fun we had, and they just had to be a part!
Okay, so the kid volunteers might be embarrassed by the adults, but that's to be expected.
Since we started this thing 10 years ago, those of us with kids have seen them go from being 13-year old volunteers to grad students - awkward adolescents to long, tall self-composed, competent and knowledgeable volunteers.
Awkward Adolescent
Long, tall competent volunteer
We've encouraged one another to 'use our powers for good'. And we've had the opportunity to model that for the young'uns and one another. It's been a powerful thing to be a part of such a great team of folks. I think everyone involved has felt that power and felt how humbling it is at the same time. To be able to use our talents collectively and make a difference in our community is, indeed, a wonderful thing!
Circle of Art co-conspirators.